Zoe’s Place Online Donations
I’ve now set up an account with JustGiving to collect online donations for Zoe’s Place, our chosen charity.
We have our own ‘donations page’ which we can add to (photos, descriptions, etc.) We can change our target and pretty much anything on the page. People can access it from the link below or any of the ‘Donate now’ buttons on the site.
Any money donated goes straight to JustGiving and is then distributed weekly to Zoe’s place. We can check whenever we want on how much has been donated, etc.
JustGiving users are the largest community of online charity supporters in the world.
30% of their donations would not have been made without the use of the online service.
Sir Steve Redgrave has raised £1,796,382 for Steve Redgrave Trust with the help of JustGiving.
Zoe’s Place is a home from home for babies who have life limiting or terminal illnesses, special and complex needs to varying degrees.
Zoe’s Place can take up to six infants at any one time, there is also accommodation and ample facilities for the whole family if these are needed.
I’ll add a ‘Charities’ page over the next couple of days to give more details of Zoe’s Place and any other charities we are supporting.
great to see money coming in
please follow our blog because it will be a journey
many thanks to all my work mates & ex (cheers gordon) and all he rest