Villard de Notre Dame
Just a quick catch up from yesterday… if you recall Coxy took the lads on a route I couldn’t follow…
After the great descent the lads swung a right up the climb to Villard de Notre Dame and then it’s back down to the digs…
Except there’s no road over the top so they have to carry the bikes over until they find tarmac again.
They’re up behind the cliff wall we can see from the campsite so it’s going to be some descent. And so it proves…
Tunnels. Four of em. And black as pitch. Scary… glad I’m not up there!
Anyway, back to today… just had breaky. Bacon and eggs. Nothing remarkable about that except this is proper smoky bacon… not that hairy French streaky stuff…
Marty (he’s a Director you know) brought it with him. And Walls sausages!! I’ve picked a winner in this cabin!
(Seems it’s also the party cabin (no rules) but the less said about last night the better…)
Just a short ride today… only 40 miles… update later….
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